I received the following letter from Pastor Pierre in Burundi - thought you all might enjoy an update!!
Oh! Praise the Lord. May Our True God Almighty bless you, your family, your Church and your Country. Amazing! I thought that I was dreaming when someone told me: "pastor, I saw you and your church online." Yes, I realize that it is true. Now, we are praying for every contacts you are doing. I will send you an updated picture of the church very soon.
The church now grows, many people testify. We have in the church two girls from Jehovah's Witnesses and a wife of a Muslim. Help us to pray for them, they are persecuted because they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.When you will be in Bujumbura, I will show them and they will share with you their testimonies.The mother-step of one of the two girls torn or destroyed her clothes and my wife Yvonne gave to her some clothes and we prayed for her. Now, she is in the church choir and helps in Sunday school.The wife of the Muslim is one of the two treasurers of the church. Also the sister of that Muslim is in the Church, we are preparing them to be baptized and they helped much in building the church.
We have a lot of testimonies in the church and the conclusion is this"God used E3 at Kanyosha to bring people to Him in the Holy Name Jesus Christ". Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! His Name is God, He cannot have an other name.
Remember, you gave me a wonderful book " God's Promises for You". Every page, every title of its texts are blessings for me. I have it everywhere I am with my evangecube. You gave me also another book"Twelve Extraordinary Women" and when I read it, I discover simply that I am an ordinary man because nothing is extraordinary in my life like the Twelve Extraordinary women. My wife is very excited by the title and discovered really that the Twelve Women were extraordinary.
An other thing, my sister in Christ, you have been our example and we are committed I and my wife Yvonne to work as missionaries to plant churches and we are praying for our kids to follow our example like Mike and Steven (I love him very much, he is a wonderful missionary considering his age: my greetings to him) followed your example.
I thank God for E3 Burundi team...
Receive the warm greetings from my wife Yvonne and the church...
Together on Mission
Pastor Pierre Normand