I have some friends who left for Kenya today. Not on an evangelistic campaign, but on a fact-finding mission. They are visiting the Africa Hope Center which is an orphanage for kids whose parents died of hiv/aids and also for kids with hiv/aids. They are taking a team with them to assess the current needs and project future needs. The founder, Pastor Joseph, has been able to secure a plot of land on which they plan to build an orphanage which will house 100 children. They currently have 23 children living in three different apartments with full-time caregivers. Check out their website at www.africahopecenter.org.
I was talking to Patty today. She went on the Kenya trip with us. She and her family have decided to sponsor 2 children who live in the slum in Nairobi. They are sponsoring them through Compassion International.
I know from past experience that Food For The Hungry has an excellent outreach program to children with hiv/aids in all parts of the world, including Kenya.
Sponsoring a child would be a great Father's Day gift, don't you think?