Next Thursday we will be in Newport Beach, CA...not for the usual reasons - there will be no surfing, sunning, volleyball, bbq's - - no, we will be having our collective picture taken. Judy and her clan, including all 4 children, their spouses & 11 grandchildren will be present for the big event. There will be a hired photographer, dress code, and a mandatory family counseling session on Friday.
If I made a list of the things that DON'T make me happy, #1 would have to be having my picture taken. I have struggled with this for 42 years. Smiling. Pretending to be happy. Having to look or be a certain way. Keeping your eyes open, mouth closed, hair in place, looking in the right direction at the right time. It's not that I don't love pictures. I really enjoy the end result, especially if I'm not in the picture. I love having memories captured on film. It's not even that I have control issues and want to be the one taking the picture. That's not it at all. I take the worst pictures ever. There's just something about the whole process that makes my skin crawl. But I will be a team player. I will enjoy hanging out with the family and enjoy being at the beach and maybe my smile will be real just this once...maybe.