This week of Easter prep has collided perfectly with our e3 trip prep, producing a perfect storm of very little sleep, FedEx runs, a bedroom loaded with half-packed suitcases, and a late night venture into Walmart for toiletries, Pringles, and Raid. This is all part of our pre-trip M.O., I mean, how does anyone leave the country without kind of going a little crazy first?
Dan and I should arrive in Burundi by next Wednesday. We look forward to working with our ever-expanding team of Burundian pastors, translators and friends. We will visit Muyinga province to plan for our summer expedition, follow-up with churches previously planted, and help plant a new church in the Bubanza province. We will also hold a Leadership Development Conference for pastors where we teach and model evangelism and church multiplication. We will also introduce a new tool for discipleship called "I Am Second."
In the midst of all this, we have produced a Team Berryman Prayer Calendar which you can download HERE! We would love to have you join us in prayer for the next couple of weeks as we have so many things packed into our days in Africa. If you're interested in following our activities in real-time, Dan will send out regular Twitter updates which are posted to his Facebook page. Make sure you are his Facebook friend and if you're on Twitter, follow @daninreallife.