Tonight at church, we cleared the tables & chairs and had ballroom dancing lessons. We had an instructor from Eurodance in Scottsdale. Hilary had us doing the foxtrot, the rumba, and the swing before the end of our hour lesson. Michael was my (unwilling) partner. Even he had to admit that it was fun. I'm sure we weren't "poetry in motion" but we managed to get the steps right eventually and Michael even perfected the "twirl" section in the rumba. I think he rather enjoyed being the leader and having me be the follower.
Randy asked me (this morning) to talk a little about dance and how it relates to worship. So I had Amy read one of my favorite Bible passages - 1 Chronicles 29:10-13. We memorized this one in our Crown class. It pretty much perfectly describes worship. When we worship, we acknowledge that God has ultimate Lordship over our lives. He is center stage, we are not. Worship is about HIM and for HIM. But worship is necessary for us as well - it reminds us that we are not the main event. We are here to honor, love, serve and worship HIM. It's like when you were a kid and your parents announced that you were going to Disneyland or to McDonalds's or to your favorite cousins' house -- didn't you need a way to express the intensely overwhelming joy you felt in that moment? I think that God gave us the gift of Dance so that we can express joy, utter abandon, freedom, and worship. I mean, c'mon, aren't we supposed to worship God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength? Doesn't dance fit all those criteria? Throughout the Bible, people danced as an act of celebration & worship & victory. So, let's start dancing. Not to call attention to ourselves, but to give glory to God. After all, He is the Lord of the Dance!
Don't forget to check out The 40 Day Fast.