First of all, check out this blog:
Sounds like much prayer is needed in this region. Also evident that God is at work, preparing leaders, raising up His followers to make an impact in Southern Sudan. I am really glad that they are working hand in hand with strategically selected relief organizations to share the Gospel thru acts of compassion/service. Kapoeta is where Dan will be joining an e3 campaign (1st training trip) in September. Anyone interested in being a part of this?????
The following is an excerpt from this blog.
Kapoeta – 238 heard the gospel, 65 made professions of faith 4/4/07
Built for speed reading
Here’s a quarterly report, essentially, on what the Lord has done and is doing with e3 and Sudan
. First is a list of His work. Second, we have a medical team going to David Kaya’s (Kie-yugh) hometown next week for a clinic/church-planting trip. I’ve attached their prayer calendar as well.
· We have assessed and opened for ministry three main towns in Eastern Equatoria
: Kapoeta, Chukudum, and Torit. These towns are centers for the Toposa, Didinga, and Latuka tribes. All of which are classified as unreached. Kaya trained over 130 leaders in these towns in church planting and the EvangeCube, and close to 200 people made professions of faith just last month at those trainings.
· We secured a partnership with the International Mission Board’s missionaries in Rumbek, where e3 trained 35 leaders, and led a campaign that resulted in three (possibly 4) new churches.
· We’ve secured a partnership with ALARM ministries in Lietnom to train pastors in church planting and the EvangeCube.
· Started the bible/leadership training school in Kajo Keji with the first 12 students; they are doing great!
· Lead four LDCs near the Sudan/Congo border that resulted in
o 73 leaders trained
o 157 gospel presentations
o 45 professions of faith
· Lead four LDCs in Juba
(the capital of the south) that resulted in:
o 168 leaders trained
o 157 gospel presentations
o 45 professions of faith
· Lead one LDC in Yei that resulted in:
o 27 leaders trained
o 98 gospel presentations
o 41 professions of faith
The above comes to a total of 433 trained in church-planting and the EvangeCube, and 571 professions of faith in Christ this year.
Upcoming Items that we’d covet your prayer over:
· April 26 – Medical church-planting team leaves for Sudan
· April/May – Working with three donors to purchase a Landcruiser for Kaya
· May 7-8 – Meet with a non-profit partner to nail down details on humanitarian aid projects.
· May 18th – Meet with another large non-profit that focuses on community development. ($1M+ projects)
· April/May – Meet with a ministry who dug 500 wells around the world in 2006 – hoping to partner with them in Sudan
· May 28-30 – e3 is sponsoring first ever Baptist Conference/Convention in Rumbek.
· May 31 – US
team departs for church-planting campaign in Torit.
· June 1 – We begin a new session in our bible school in Kajo Keji.
· June/July – Kaya will travel west into a few new towns to assess them for future ministry.
· July – A medical team from Birmingham
will strengthen and encourage the church in Kapoeta.
· Ongoing –