Where In The World Are We?

  • April 16 - July 14
    We are super-excited to be in Burundi for 3 whole months! We will focus on training and discipleship of Burundi nationals, evangelism, church-planting, networking, vision-casting and trying to figure out how to live in a foreign country for an extended period of time!
  • Nov 2-20
    Dan is in Zanzibar, Tanzania, leading a team of 3 North Americans, joined by many Tanzanian nationals in planting churches in Zanzibar. Zanzibar is 97% Muslim. Pray that strongholds will be broken and that people will confess Jesus as Savior and Lord and that the Church will be strengthened and encouraged and equipped.
  • Nov 20-29
    Dan & Marina will lead a church planting/medical campaign to Gitega, Burundi. Yes, we realize that we will miss Thanksgiving in the USA. We are packing turkey jerky & plan to be thankful with our team for calling us to Burundi to share the Gospel, minister to the sick & "least of these", and celebrate God's Kingdom being established & expanded!

Burundi January 08

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    We went to Bujumbura, Burundi, Africa in January 2008 with an awesome North American team from various parts of the country to conduct E3's first ever church-planting campaign in Burundi! It was an incredible time of ministry with over 4500 first time professions of faith and over 11,000 Gospel presentations...we plan to go back soon!